Welcome to the third edition of Firebase News. We’ve been getting more and more readers (thank you substack). This week we have some cool new Firebase build examples. It is always fun to see how people are using Firebase in innovative ways.
One question and concern about Firebase I keep hearing are the costs? The infamous 7000% monthly cost increase. Just Google “Firebase costs” and you’ll see what I mean. I found the main issue is the lack of insight into the Firebase usage costs vs your current monthly usage. You can go to the admin dashboard and see your usage (admin->database->usage), but then you need to calculate how much you’ve spent for the month so far. You can also setup alerts, but for when you’re getting close your plan limit (and what can you do then?).
My partner and I decided to do something about it and built Firemon. With Firemon, you can monitor your Firebase usage, costs, and project what your monthly spend will be. Right now we have a waitlist, so can sign up if your interested.
Now onto the news…
Instant Chat Messenger with Cloud Firestore
There are a bunch of chat examples for Firebase and Firestore, but this is both new (some of the older ones no longer work with the latest Firebase) and well coded.
Improve your Cloud Function implementations using Express middleware
Did this myself and works great. However, you will also need to have rewrites in your firebase.json file for proper routing.
How DealCheck is Using Firebase to Make Real Estate Investing Easier for Everyone
A little “ad-y”, but interesting to see how real companies are using Firebase.
Firebase Cloud Functions + Slack WebHooks
Get notified when a new user signs up in Firebase and Slack it. I think I might set this up.
If you like this, please share, like, and sign up for the more news. Also, don’t forget to check out Firemon for controlling your Firebase costs.