Welcome to the second Firebase newsletter.
This week we’ll look at some old and new articles on Firebase cost, building clones, authentication and AutoML Vision.
If you have any interesting article to share, let me know.
How to store Firebase data cheaper?
Firebase costs are a real issue, so managing your read/writes is vital (unless you have a lot of money to throw away…and if so give me a ring).
Build an Evernote clone with React and Firebase (video)
It is always useful to learn by building a real use-case, and something you might actually want to use.
How to build an Email Authentication app with Firebase, Firestore and React Native
Authentication is my top reason for using Firebase. Here is a guide for React Native authentication that can also be applied to Web.
AutoML Vision with Firebase
The Firebase team introduced AutoML Vision, and it is amazing. AutoML “can be trained to distinguish between the name of dishes, identify the type of object like cricket bat, baseball etc.”.
Fluttergram: Flutter & Firestore
A fun little app built with Flutter and Firestore.
Thanks for reading and please share with other Firebase lovers.